Great stuff ! Thanks very much for the help mate, I can now proceed!
Had a bit of a late session, applying the serial number decals, which took over 3 hours!
The home-made serial numbers lacked density, probably due to low ink in my printer, so I opted for individual characters for the fuselage serials, using 'Tally Ho' decals. They're OK, but a pain in the tailpipe to work with, as they're so thin they crease if looked at, and slide and slip all over, being difficult to align properly. Still, they worked, which is the main thing.
The under wing serials were done using the home-made decals, as, in normal viewing angles, the density, or lack, won't be noticed as much.
PIC 1 Shows the 'Tally Ho' serial decals, which need a bit of a clean up, to remove some residue.
PIC 2. The home-made decals under the wings. I should have made these a tad larger, but again, when viewed 'on the ground' the size (and thin density) won't be as noticeable. There's a white outline around the roundels, which are 30 year old 'Matchbox' items, which will need re-touching - b*gg*r !
PIC 3. The wheels and tyres have been painted and assembled, and the number 3 decals added, and are yet to be cleaned in this pic.
Thanks again for the interest, and to Tony for the help, and I'll try to post more pics over the weekend.