**** DONE: 1/32 A6M2 Model 21 Zero EIII-117 ‘Carrier ZUIHO’ - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Wayne... looking great.. But hoz come they didn't use the yellow stripes on seaplanes ???

Question for you. I note you airbrush almost everything. When you clean the airbrush do you strip it each time, or just run thinner or water thru it ?

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you have to clean the airbrush fully each time, if you don't you can risk it being clogged, or even worse a "chunk" of the old paint being flung onto your next project, once you get into practicing clean up and dis-assembly its easy :) it takes no more than 10-20minutes.

Sorry for the Hi-jacking :D
I dont know about acrylic but I am using a Badger Crescendo Dual stage airbrush and I use enamel paint. Clean up involves running a good amount of clean thinner through until the parts are clean.
I use vallejo acrylics and don't do a full strip down clean every time and just use airbrush cleaner and water between colour changes this seems to work for me.
I use acrylics of various makes (Vallejo, Gunze, Tamiya, LifeColor and Misterkit) In all cases I just flush the airbrush with water and then with Mr. Tool Cleaner R from GSI.
Even if I didn't yet tried it with LifeColor, I can say that it works very well.

Hey Charles, it is quite possible that it did occur, but not noticed it on seaplanes, but then i haven't been looking, the directive was issued in Sept 42 for the Yellow to be applied. The Green was not officially adopted until July 43, but was in use before this.

Now with the airbrush it depends on the colours i am spraying if camo colours light to dark then usually a flush out with isopropyl alcohol then distilled water and continue on with next colour.
If Red, yellow white or silver/ metallics full flush out disassemble and clean out everything before next colour. Usually when i do these colours I'm only applying the single anyway so full clean afterwards...i usually will not mask or overspray these colours for at least 48 hours...

Today inserted / superglued the short bit of brass rod for fitting of the pitot tube and filed it flush....


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I've never noticed you do the tube thing for the pitot...... I will do this on my next Plane.....

Airbrush? I break it down to Every time. I have a cleaned out paint jar with alcohol in it and I keep the nozzle pieces in it till the next time I use it. I keep a needle in the brush, just backed inside out of harms way and lock it in place, After cleaning.

Always seeing something new Wayne!
Each to his own with airbrushes and paints, so not going to get into that debate except to say I give a final clean out with Windex and then a flush with water before drying out.

Nice pitot heat port Wayne and a good idea, much better and cleaner looking that plastic. Stronger to.
Sure enough Vic!

Ok fitted the tail arrestor hook, gave the canopy a clean up and piut on the masks designed for the Tamiya kit, had to do some trimming to fit but ready now for the next stage....more paint!


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