I've finally got the bulk of the filling and sanding done, and the model is now progressing rapidly.
PIC 1 shows the gaps around the nose and wing roots filled, with the sanding almost complete.
PIC 2. The slots for the cannon shell case ejectors have been cut, and are awaiting filing and clean up hear. The panel lines for the cannon access hatches have also been lightly scored, ready for proper engraving.
PIC 3. The modified tail planes have been attached, and fitted nicely into the angled slots at the correct 12 degree angle. The joints and spacers have been sanded, but have yet to be filled and blended to the roots. The large rudder has been attached, after cutting locating slots for the scratch-built rudder and trim tab actuators, which will be fitted later.
PIC 4. The main wing outer panels have been fitted, and the leading and trailing edges sanded smooth. A very small amount of filler was required at the joints, and this was achieved by using my ever-faithful 'porridge' of talcum powder and varnish mix. With the wings in place, the model is now bl**dy big, and can be a bit difficult to handle at times.
The next step is to begin work on the engines and cowlings, and modify the exhaust outlets, ready to accept the 'porcupine' flame-dampers, which will be fitted after the model has been painted. I'll be using some rather neat resin parts, as scratch-building the small outlet fins would not only be tedious, they would also not be as accurate in appearance as the finely moulded resin examples.
Once this stage is complete, the model will be ready for cleaning, and the first stages of painting.
Thanks again for your interest, and I hope to have some more pics soon.