****DONE: 1/32nd scale Beaufighter VIF, 46 Sqn RAF, Egypt 1943 Group Build

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Thanks Kevin and VB. Yes, some of the work will be hidden, just showing as shadows, but better than nothing there at all. I only concentrated on the parts that will actually be seen, or would be missed if not included, and there will be quite a lot visible in the cockpit and forward section, and also the open observer's hatch area. The latter area is quite a large opening, being approximately 35mm x 30mm, and it's possible to view down the fuselage, so, even though they'll just be 'shapes', I have to include the ammo tanks and the radar receiver/transmitter etc.
Anyway, the instrument panel has now been finished and fitted, and I'm sorry, but I forgot to photograoh it before glueing to the cockpit tub!
Decals cut separately from the Spitfire Mk22 sheet were used forthe main instruments, set into the scratch-built Blind Flying Panel, using lots of Micro Sol, whilst the remainder were hand painted. The control column was trimmed a little, then painted, with the column itself given a slightly worn, chipped look. Once this has all fully set, the cockpit unit will be fitted to to starboard fuselage half, and all the pipework and wiring matched up. Then it'll be time to make and fit the radar scope, fit the radar transmitter/receiver units, and glue the fuselage together. Hopefully, I might get this done tomorrow, but then the model will be put aside in order to finish the PTO Avenger, before I go off to the Czech Republic next week.
Thanks once again for your support and interest.


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