**** DONE: 1/48 Arado Ar 196A-5 - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Hot, Humid, and oppressive outside during the mid-day hours so air-conditioned inside "work" plus Vic is closing in on me. Underside RLM 65 Hellblau painted with the yellow wing tips masked off. Tail and Rudder installed. Did some wing root "chipping" on pilot walkway. Top and sides of floats painted RLM 73 Grun. Float struts ready to install then going to try rigging wire supports before glueing to fuselage. This may or may not work as the plastic struts are not very heavy and may bend. Float bottoms are Hellblau will do them tomorrow


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As always gentlemen, many thanks for your kind comments. These builds and your help are improving my skills. The floats (underside) and struts have been painted Hellblau. The struts have also been rigged with their support wires. Everything needs to dry overnight and the float assembly will be ready to be installed on the aircraft


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Thank you gentlemen. Floats attached and bracing struts attached. Working on the canopy and the "Land-cart"?? Painted it "WOOD" but am going to have to come up with a darkening wash to tone it down and bring out the grain of the wood. Then scuff and gouge it up from the pontoons being dragged across it
Suggestions are welcome


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