Update time!
Pic 1 General view of progress thus far. I have been working on the seams after getting everything together. This kit has a lot of great fine detail in panel lines and rivets which really cool. The down side it is very easy to remove and hard to replace with the same finesse. Added to this is the type of plastic AM use for this kit. Very soft which bends easy. Tamiya surfacer has worked great on the seams, and I've tried to be as careful as I can.
Overall the fit of the kit requires some very careful test fitting. You can end up with gaps and misalignment easily if your not paying attention.
I had to fit the nose gear before painting, which is inconvenient. Have not broke it yet...but that's on the cards!
Pic 2 I have given the engines a wash with black water colour. Here I have done one of the two.
Pic 3 Also gave the wheels a black wash also. I'll do some more work on the tires later.
Pic 4 and 5 The props I painted dull aluminium to start, followed by the yellow tips, then a dark gray. I have scraped some paint off to reveal the aluminium underneath. If you examine the photos posted earlier, Dora's props were not too bad as far as condition. I'll add the decals soon.
Pic 6 Landing lights. They are just a depression moulded into the panel. After painting the surrounds black, I filled the centre with Model Masters "Chrome". Should look good behind the perspex cover.
Pic 7 Both wings and engine nacelles are more or less complete now, ready for painting. Few more bits and pieces for the fuselage and on with some paint sometime this week. Fingers crossed it will be done on time.
End of update!