**** DONE: 1/48 Ju 88 A-4 - Winter War / Eastern Front WWII

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Thanks for all the kind words and the check ins. Here the latest update. I did not get as much done today as I was going to as tonight was the annual Houston ship channel boat ride sponsored by my local chapter of the Air Force Association so my wife and I were out tonight and a nice evening it was. and if some of the pictures are blurry, no it's not you, well maybe if you been drinking that XXXX but otherwise it my photography.


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Must say, I like your Work bench!
Got one just like it.

Lol.... Don was telling me he keeps hearing conversations late at night in his building room. I swear he has a family of 4 hiding in there!

Don, that is looking damned nice. I will give you a yell tomorrow after I get back in from church. I was up to my ass in painting today.
Busy day. The canopy on the GD thing is a PIA, aft section is two part and then the fwrd section. the aft section made me cuss a storm the left side would not stay up and the the right side would fall in. the main gear is a Friken GD FU PAI as well. I should have just gone with the kit gear. If SAC had not tried to duplicate the damn thin gut just molded in two pieces it would have been ok. but he way it is done is a repeat of the kit with little change. this need to be soldered together before assembly for it to work correctly, This I learned too late. Frustration abound but I got it done anyway. Still have so weathering and then fiddly bits but it is making it.

Oh enough on the work bench, I use my desk..




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A little more.


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