**** DONE: 1/48 RAE SE.5a From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Many thanks folks. Nothing doing yesterday, got pulled off to do other mundane things for the better half.

Charles old chap, I recommend Johnnie ANYTIME………………….
Yep, "twisty loopy thingies".
Patience? Loop one, drink one, twist one, drink one.
That's what Johnny is for mate.
I prefer Beefeaters martinis, but the way I make them you need to be careful. One puts you in a nice glow. Two and you have to redo all the work you did when you wake up the next day.
Many thanks to you all and Johnnie's continued support.

Well as you will see below, I'm now at the crux of this build. The next few day will see if my idea works of drives me more insane than I already am for attempting it.

If you hear some almighty screams and the air turns blue…........……………………………………well!!!!

Should I disappear for a few days, you'll probably find me tucked in the corner of King O'Malley's bar crying in my beer.
No worries mate, hope the oranges work. Loopy thingymajigs should be on way by morning, would you believe they also come in copper as well.
You got my lasting respect for even trying this method! Looks like a piano exploded!
Better make it a double down at the pub, Will be watching with fingers and toes crossed.
So many Guitar strings

*Makes A Harp and plays*

It'll come out great we have faith in you Vic !
Good Grief! I'm expecting to hear the 'buzz- buzzz' of electric sparks, and hear Boris Karloff shout "It lives!"
Rather you than me Vic, but it should look the biz when done.
I saw a DH.4 on sale at Squadron and was thinking about getting it. Now I'm not so sure.

It will look fantastic Vic as long as the Johnnie holds out. Hope you have a good supply squired away.

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