**** DONE: 1/48 Ta 154 Moskito - Me/ Fw Group Build.

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Thanks guys. Nothing much to show, spent yesterday masking cockpit and clear parts and getting ready for the first spray job, weather permitting.
Thanks' guys and here you go then boy's, the latest update. Not very inspirational though current weather conditions and motivation are not running in unison at the moment.



All masked up and ready for the first spray.



First coat of RLM 76 added, just need to tickle it up a bit, wack on a protective goat of 'one go' and then the fun starts with the camo. :p :p

But before that I'm off to Melbourne for the weekend and the Model Expo with a bit of family thrown in, hopefully back on Tuesday.
:lol: :lol: :D

Edit: Sorry guy, 'goat' is not some Aussie slang, just a stupid typo by this 'old goat', please it should read 'coat'. :oops: :oops: :oops:
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