The fuselage, wings, and tail plane are now together after having set overnight. Here's how it looks overall right now. The entire surfaces have been sanded for painting and, yes, the notorious sink marks on the wing upper surfaces are gone. The engine cowl dry fit is excellent so I decided to leave it off for painting so that I can mask the guns and engine areas that will be seen through the various holes. The area behind the cockpit will need another splash of RLM 02 before the canopy is glued on as I did some seam work after the halves went together.
As I stated before and as many of you have no doubt experienced, the fit is excellent. Here is the underside where the wing meets the fuselage. The tiny amounts of putty needed are evident, although a but more is required to fill the recess on the port side. Fuselage center joint has been sanded and rescribed.
Here is the area at the wing leading edge to fuselage pretty much ready for a prime coat. Lost panel lines along the leading edge are rescribed. Again, excellent fit is seen with the oil cooler cowl matching the fuselage exactly.
The painting sequence of the prop and hub invovles 6 different colours so the sequence needed to be thought out. The prop blades have received their coats of RLM 70. Once cured, they will be masked off and the hub painted aluminum. For the spinner, the inner surfaces have received a coat of RLM 02. To facilitate the black/white/red paint on the spinner, I glued the two parts together temporarily with tiny dots of CA glue. The spinner will then be masked, painted, and then taken apart agin to fit the prop.
That's it for now. I hope to get a coat of primer on today and fix any imperfections before launching into the camo on the weekend.