I picked one of these up today actually (for a BARGAIN price) and have sat here for the last hour wondering what I'll actually do with it! I'm of the opinion that the Kit actually represent an A-2, but seriously the supposed changes between A-2 and A-5/A-7 are minimal (from memory, the A-7 should have LONGER engine nacelles for the longer engine - and in the case of the A-7/R5, with Jumo 213E engines, the radiator should be more like that of the Ta 152), with the main issues being a 100mm or so extra length in the nacelles and faired over gun ports... Im edging towards doing one of the Black-Wing'd a/c; I know of at least three:
i) He 219A-0/R6 (V12) 190012 G9+FK II./NJG 1 - being the best covered of the three, this is currently the leading contender (plus it has the 'fastback' canopy). My gut says that in some of the pictures of it, it appears to have almost a solid, yet patchy/thin RLM75 upper surface camoflage (thoughts anyone?), with Black lower right wing and lower surfaces of nacelle from main gear doors back, in black. WIDE leading egde still in grey. Four Guns in the Tray - Both FuG220 SN-2 and Short Range FuG212C-1 radars
ii) He 219A-2 (?) 290004 G9+DH I./NJG 1 - Black Lower Right Wing, but this black goes further up the leading edge and covers all of the nacelle lower surfaces, RLM76 spinners - has a pretty tight RLM76 over 75 mottle, but since the few pictures of it I have seen are of it burnt out, half the camo will be speculative. Also has the rear fuselage window and harnesses for 3rd crew member/observer
iii) He 219A-2 or A-5 WNr? - pictured in a roofless hangar in the Winter of 44/45, supposedly at Munster-Handorf (with a Stuka in the background) - Black Right Wing that comes very close to the leading edge, whole underside of nacelle is black, spinner is black with with spirals. Two guns in the Tray with Late FuG220 SN-2 set up...
Additionally, one of the NJGr 10 a/c, 1L+M? appears to be in 81/82 or 82/83 or 81/82/83 over the standard 75/76 scheme, BUT the inner wings on both sides and both nacelles are in black; outter lower wings in RLM76 - again, burnt out so the scheme woud be speculative...
Still, plenty of time to research... So many Fw 190D's and Ta 152's to do... I bought another Ta 152 with the He 219 also. I think I am addicted!