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- #21
Well I have been rooted to the spot this evening working on this Lancaster kit. The kit has been going together quite nicely, all the parts are nice and crisply moulded which has meant that I have not had an awkward time sanding bits down just to get them to fit together. The cockpit has quite a lot of detail and even includes a map in transfer form to put on the navs table, there are also transfers for the various instrument panels. I am not really a believer in spending to much time on cockpits as after the canopy goes on they are rarely seen again, but with this kit it is easy to get a descent looking cockpit without any real time or bother. The small windows in the bomb aimers compartment are
fiddly but can be fitted ok without hours of trouble. The style of the kit reminds me of the new Revell Halifax, which has made me wonder if Airfix and Revell are using the same person or company to design their new kits.