Done : Bf109K-4 "Yellow 13", 15./JG 53 Gruppe Build...

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Well, just being bored and NOT feeling too good , I decided to see what I could do to my Bf 109K-4 "Yellow 13" from 15./JG53. Washed it and did some painting. See if I can find the strenght to do some more later today, since I'm not going to work tonight.

Cheers chaps, appreciated! (sneez...cough!)

Done a tad more between all the bl**dy coughing and sneezing...

Can tell that it's been a while since I built a Hasegawa kit, since I was surprised that they haven't supplied belts as decals....
The cockpit slides in from underneath Wojtek....then you glue the wings to the airframe.

What I've managed to do today/tonight.....

Had to shape the wheelwells, not that difficult since Hasegawa had done half
the job for you...

Leave at this for noo, and I'll continue tomorrow...I hope.
You know Wojtek, I just noticed that earlier and I! 8) Might just do that...questions is though, what colour is it underneath?
Being late war it could be anything...starting with RLM02 to natural metal? keep it simple go with 02 otherwise you will just go crazy trying to figure it out......have one pic of "Yellow 13".
Lucky do you own one of the JaPo volumes on the 109K ?, the EE cal sheet is decent enough but you may require other views of the JG 53 K's

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