Done : Fw190D-9 ll> Stab./JG2 Gruppe Build

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Yeah, you're right Wojtek, it doesn't look oversprayed at all. They look about as black as you can get! Thanks for the great info!

After looking at the decals that I have, the black overlaps a lot of the white and looks bad. While you can't really see it from a distance, it looks bad up close. So I have one of two options. Order some EE decals for whatever machine I want or make stencils! I love the camo job on that first bird that we've been discussing so much, so I'm thinking I'll do that one. I'm not worried about making the crosses, or the chevrons, it's the outlines of the chevrons. I don't know if I'd be able to pull it off. In regards to the decals, last time I ordered from EE they took a very long time to arrive, and the Canadian Dollar sucks compared to the US.

Oooh, that EE sheet also comes with Blue 9...

Which I just realized isn't defence of the Reich haha.
I LOVE THIS FORUM....! Amazing info guys....I grovel at your feet, Oh Great One's, you are the Gods of all knowledge. I stand in awe and humbly bow at your wisdom....
Ah, I see. Thanks a bunch Wayne!

So the cross is just white with the Lichtblau showing through? Or do you mean it's filled in with one of the upper camo colours?

The cross is filled with the darker Camo colour which is RLM 83 Dark Green,
both EE and JaPo agree on this to the rest of the airframe and colours they differ...?

Fuselage EE : 83/75 , JaPo 82/83 (Although EE feels that 83 may be 74?)

Wings EE 75/74 (Provisional) JaPo 83/76 due to high contrast on wings

Personally I feel the "power Egg" (engine) is standard 83 Dark green over 76 factory supplied, with some overspray of 82? or 75?

...some more photo study is in the mean time 2 shots from Eagle Editions Fw190 Dora...


  • D-9_JG2_b.JPG
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  • D-9_JG 2_a.JPG
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It's really difficult to see the difference in colours on the wings, but I do see it on the tip of the left wing. I would be more inclined to believe EE for the top colours, but as for the wings, Japo seems to me the one in the right. But I still don't know about 76 being on the wing, I've never seen that done before.

Thanks a ton for the pictures and help Wayne. Do you have any colour profiles of that bird? While seeing real pictures is the best, I have no way of telling what's painted where other than on the nose.
Alright, so over the past couple days I've been slowly working on it. I have the cockpit done (man it's small!) and the fuselage together. I'm going to continue on the wings today, and HOPEFULLY start painting tomorrow, not sure though. And my dog may have wrecked one of the swastikas I need! It's damaged, but it doesn't look like it's torn, but you never really know until you get it off the sheet. I also realized while taking these pictures that I forgot to put the joystick in!

Good work so far mate! Hope to start on my cockpit tonight, fingers crossed that my hands work. (That doesn't make sense, how the hell can my hands work, if my fingers are crossed....??!)

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