Here you are old chap! The first pic is of a Lichtenstein in a JU88, different equipment, but the radio set-up is similar. Virtually all of the knobs and switches are black. The second and third pics are of the SN2 set, as used in the Uhu, but again, these are in a JU88. The first shot shows the equipment without the rubber visor over the screens. Note that in all pics, the radar is mounted with the radio equipment. I'm guessing that, on the kit part, the radar screens are supposed to be the rectangular bit on the top.
If you have a look at Guttorm's thread about the JU88 restoration, you'll get an idea of the layout and colours etc of the radio kit.
Hope these help old boy!
EDIT: just had another look at your kit part - unless there was a different SN2 set, I can't see the radar on the kit part! Perhaps they've guessed, or maybe it's that circular bit between the radio transmitter and receiver, at the bottom?
It should really have two screens, but, if it was a development, like the British kit, they might have been combined. I'm afraid I don't have enough pictorial info.