Cheers lads....(apologise for any misspellings, slightly intoxicated)..much appreciated! put some Klear on my '109 and '190 earlier tonight, so hopefully some decals tomorrow....
*Actually most of the Vikings who raided Britain during the Dark Ages were Norwegian and Danish. Only a small percentage were Swedes. They've made up with it lately by opening Ikea stores in every town though.
I'm part Norwegian....but Wojtek is right though, you've been invaded yet again, slightly more on the peaceful side thia time.... Long story short Maxi, my ex is/was from Glasgow.
My home town was founded by the Danes in the late 900's, it has the farthest inland viking town name in Ireland, it was the western outpost of Dublin (another viking settlement). They called it 'Lax-hlaup' - where the salmon leap. The town crest has a viking longboat and leaping salmon on it.
All vikings are still welcome, as long as they're blonde and female!