Done : Heinkel He219A-7 Gruppe Build...

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Jan, this is what I have. No green 'A' but....


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I think I've got the right sized 'B', no not the green 'A', I'll check and let you know.
EDIT:- checked, got the 'B', although they are 12.25mm if that'll do. I've got two styles of Luftwaffe lettering in black, rounded and 'squared' corners. I can also let you have the 'A' in black, if you can paint over them?
I'm still searching for a green, or greenish blue 'A' which I think I MIGHT have, but can't promise. Probably got red ones and maybe yellow ones, and also white ones though!
I'll have a look at home tonight Jan. I know I have a green A in 1:72 for my Ar 234, but that will be too small. Might have a larger one from something else.
Jan if you can find Cutting Edge Decal sheets CED48045 or 46 both sheets have a Green 'A' and a Black 'B' (for Bf110G's) would fit the 219 fine.

I will check if my mate has either sheet in stock tomorrow for you if you like.

CED48045 has plain green A and CED48046 has black bordered Green A
That would be most kind of you Wayne..! I think that might be plain green A's, maybe that's something Erich or someone else can answer, just going with a gut feeling myself....:oops:

I'm in the process of applying Klear now.....first layer done, might apply another one later today.
Great work Jan!

I agree too re the green A. If you don't have any joy with the decals, I have some green trim film you could cut to form. Or maybe you could just mask and spray them directly on the model?

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