Done : Major Tratt's Me410A-1/U2/R4: Gruppe Build

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Back in the Saddle........

Life has been kickin' me around the last few weeks. Can't explain but everything was collapsing for a while there. But hopefully back on track.

I will be going to the Hobby store tommorrow and finally gather up the paints I need and start the next phase. That and I have 2 weeks worth of stuff for the Daily Europe thread. !! I have the next 2 days off so I should be able to catch up with everything.

Thanks Marcel for the PM!

Can't wait for retirement!

Glad to have you back, Chris! I was worried there for a while.
Happy to hear you're feeling a little better, and great to have you back Chris.
looks like I'm starting to have the same ID problems with my '110 as you had with your 410 mate!
Why do we bother?!
Cos it's fun!
Thanks guys. I don't know what happened but it felt like everything took a crap the last 2 months. As soon as one thing was settled, another would start up.

Anywho, I got my paints and tonight should be adding color to that plain looking twin engine!
yeah, lots of sanding, rescribbing, etc. - not much different than your 110! :) Only I'm no expert with this. Still some fiddly bits but nothing a shot of Dewars can't handle!
Applied some paint and will take some pics as soon as most of it is done.

As I was going back over the fine pics that everyone posted for reference I noticed I b!tch more than my ex-wife! See!!! I'm b!tching about my b!tching!!!!

oh hell.

Ok, here is the first coat of makeup. The pics are absolutely horrible color-wise, but you get the idea. This is just the base stuff before I fiddle with the minor details. While doing this one of the tail pices broke off and I had to reglue - that is what that little thing is at the rear. Holding it up in place.

Now here is a question: Once I have the base coat on, is that when you guys hit it with Gloss Coat and then weather? (like panel lines, etc.)


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Heck! I know you're supposed to wash the model before painting, but putting it through a wasing machine?!! Just kidding Chris.
That's looking great mate, and should spring to life once the clear coat goes on.
I normally apply the gloss coat as the last step before decals. Do your panel lines, and the bulk of any weathering first, as it's much easier on a matt surface, and mistakes/excess can be corrected easier also. Once the gloss coat is on to your satisfaction, then the decals are applied and, when totally set, a further light coat of gloss can be applied, just to even-up the appearance, especially around the decals. Then, any work that needs doing to repeat, for example, panels lines over/through/around decals can be done, and any additional weathering. When the model is 99% finished, with only those tiny, it'll-break-if I-touch-it parts to be added, then apply the matt clear coat, or in this case, semi matt. Again, any weathering that might need enhancing, such as exhaust stains, or 'new' paint sctaches, can be done over the final semi-matt coat.
Hopes this helps mate, well done so far.

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