Done : Major Tratt's Me410A-1/U2/R4: Gruppe Build

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Hope you feel better soon Chris. Now that I've seen the cannon you mean, how about trying this, should work in 1/48th scale, given there's enough thickness of plastic. Drill-out the cannon troughs, holding the drill parrallel to the fuselage to create the trough. If it 'falls through', leaving too deep a hole, back-fill the hole, from the inside, using Milliput or similar. When the putty is almost dry, press-in the shape of the trough and leave to set. When hard, carefully ream out the trough, using the drill bit, but not the drill. For the cannon barell, only the last part to the muzzle of which is shown, if you can't find a suitable barell, or tube, use plastic rod or stretched sprue and, if possible in this scale, drill-out the end. If not, paint the end in a dark silver/steel colour, with a central balck dot. Looks pretty convincing as an open muzzle. I've used the above approach before, and it worked well. Just a thought!
Thanks Terry, Actually the hole is there and the instructions have a piece to cover it. I just need to figure out the concave backing plate. I'll come up with something.


Is it possible, between coughs etc, to post a pic of the hole on the kit part? If I see it, I might be able to come up with an idea! (He said hopefully!!)
It's your bl**dy flu I have, you twotiming nae good f*cking nutsack!
I'm dead to world chaps, as my manager said "you've got manflu" lmao!
Hope that you feel better soon Chris!
I'm coughing on the decals now, Les!

and whats worse, this cold has brought on my cluster headaches - just great! Now I can't even get sleep.

Micdrow, would you happen to have among your manuals and documents any Luftwaffe camo orders/requirements for late 43-early 44? Might get a handle on what the markings should be. I do have a pic of a Stab machine and it might give me an idea of how to proceed.

Just throw these in for good measure.

The site has them as Me 210 but judging by the stall slats I think it is a 410

Make a nice diarama


Maybe not the nacelles look too short for a 410

Humm, I dont think so but will take a look around and see what I can find.
Hi Chris, I dont remember where I got this but maybe this will help. I see its dated 1943 for scheme. Maybe some one can translate and tell you more.


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And my three cents here.I found the next pic of 2N+LT.Believing the caption it was Me 210A-1 Werk Nummer 205. Source : Squadron-Signal - Messerschmitt Me210(410).


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the a/c is 100 % ID'd as a Me 210A-1 from 9./ZG 1 40% damaged, Ran off the runway and crashed into this wall at Lecce.

Date is : March 4, 1943

I have the ZG 1 losses listing from Germany. 2N + was their code
Good info Erich.And here is a profile of the Me I found in a book about Me 210/410.Though the caption says it was plane of III./ZG1.


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