Done : Oblt. Klaus Faber, Fw190D-9 "Red 13", JV44 Gruppe Build...

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Nicely done Jan. You're lucky (yes, I know!), you've got a 'solid' coloured spinner, I am NOT looking forward to applying the spiral decal to only the front half of mine! I have a feeling the 000 brush will be making another appearance somehow....!
Thanks fellas....:oops: Think that I'll doddle a bit with the cockpit Dan, see what I can do without decals etc....(breakes out in cold sweat)..
I got it somewhat "solid" Terry. I know it says that it was thin and with the spinner spiral faintly showing through, but with no spiral decal and not even close to be good enough to paint the spiral on the spinner, I'll just leave it as not to ruin it. Thanks again chaps, much appreciated! :salute:
Cheers chaps! :thumbleft: Here's what I've been up to today....


Those tiny wee fiddly doodah's was a pain in the neck!

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