**** DONE: Revell 1/32 Ju88A-5 4D + MR 7/KG30 MTO Group Build

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Just found this thread today and have spent the last 3 hours looking at it.


I have never seen anything even close to the attention to detail and quality of craftsmanship you have done here.
Either that or you DO have a team of 2" high elves working for you, all with advanced degrees in aeronautical engineering!
it looks so good and real that i am not even going to tell you about the last small detail i added to the wheels today ( got the from the maker today )
its for adjusting the brakes..
so i wont tell you about those.. lol

but now i know where that machine in the movie "honey-i schrinked the kidsW went..you have it..


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Thanks Guys, appreciate your comments.....that Guttorm bloke....he's starting to annoy me somewhat!
B@stard just keeps dropping new f*cking challenges on me.....

...OK bring it on baby...

No progress today, went out and played Lacrosse, too goddam tired and sore to do any modelling....

what ? me.. naaahh..
just giving some small details there that just might be needed and i am sure you are up to the challenge hehe
still looking for those "#¤% decals..need to search thru my pile once more
What you moaning about? Think about us poor low standing mortal human b*stards that has to compete with your masterpiece....would be faster, better and probably cheaper to get a real '88! On the other hand, Gutt would probably beat us to it and steal it from under our noses!

Ok took the next step today on the Brake lines for the undercarrige....

following on from the shots showing some of the 'components' I was making for the U/C, first shot revisited! I have now finished one leg and half way through the other....

First make or cut the small brass tube sections which are essentially the clamps or fixing points to the U/C leg....these were a very small pain as they were so goddam tiny, but this is the way i wanted to do it.
You can see some on the end of my finger!!
Attached them to the brass wire and painted the assembly black.
as Guttorm provided further pics for the bottom of the leg and how the lines attached to the wheel hub I cut 2 small circular pieces from plastic tube and glued them to the bottom of the leg.


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Stage 2

attached the brass rod and tube with superglue, then cut the copper wire that i had bent to the right length, then attached a Brasstube micro section as a coupling then attached the final smaller gauge wire to this and bent it to shape to fit into the circular plastic section I had glued to the bottom of the U/C leg.
Oh and I had already predrilled 2 small holes inside the circular piece for the 'In' line and the 'out' line to the wheel hub which will be added once the wheel is in place.

So....shots showing the wires in place and then painted!

Took a couple of hours working through the process....Hope you like it! Will finish the other leg tomorrow.


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Let me tell you it ain't easy....you need to be real careful or ping! something goes flying and well you just make another piece as you wont find something as small as this.....careful use of tweezers is essential...and my magnifyer/light rig is a REAL big help too!!
Aw...c'mon.....most of my builds are for the most part OOB to Enhanced with the extra details kept to a minimum, now and then it's good to go the extra mile just to stay sharp!

However...these builds take so much longer to do...which takes time away from completing others...

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