**** DONE: Revell 1/32 Ju88A-5 4D + MR 7/KG30 MTO Group Build

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You been banned from modelling then, or is it because you're in the land of the long blonde legs?
Already started mine. Well, the parts are out of the box, and I'm weighing-up how to execute the battle damage so that it'll line up internally and externally. I should start actuallu building within the next couple of days, alongside the Cold War GB stuff. Got to get this done, on the diorama base, and packed off to the Czech republic by early August!
Finish a few?!!! You've got more aircraft than the RAF, and in the same state - half done! Don't know how I'm going to manage the '88, alongside two GB builds, and a Harier GR9 for a commission build! I'll probably end up with a mixed-scale MiG 88 Harraneer !!
Looking forward to the pics mate! Now will you please stop replicating every nut, bolt, rivet asnd fitment on the bl**dy thing, or mine will look like something out of a Corn Flakes packet!
Jan old boy, get your finger out, there's a good chap!
Sorry about the delay, Guys....here's one of the U/C Assemblies


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