FW 190 V18 1:32 modified Dora

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With a coat of primer:

Have to look for a new brand of primer, mine did not withstand masking tape.

Well the lower wing is fitted and some updating of the wingroots. The front of the Supercharger-cooler is cemented in place already and I try now to build a supercharger hausing from an old Airfix "Black Widow" some sheet and plumper piping.

The frontpart of the charger is from the Dorakit (the plug in for the tail).


Most impressive work!! I really like how you're coming along on this "Focke-Wulfstang". You're modeling skills leave me in the dust, certainly.

I tried to adopt the "Black Widow" cockpit of the 1:72nd scale Airfix for my Torbocharger housing. Not much is left of it after loads of putty and heavy sanding:

I'm sure you'll get it right Michael! Would it not have been easier to mould the bulk of the housing, then fill and blend? Good idea to use the P61 part though!

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