HK 1/32 B25J "Meet Mirs Runyon"

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I got some gumption to start back on this this week.The pulleys for the center MG have been added to the glass,Norden bomb sight added and some repairs to the ammo boxes for the center MG.I hope tomorrow get the MG's added 3X with the belts and have the bombardier station completed.
Looks good, nice to see you are able to get back on this one, I do hope that all is back to normal with your health.
Got a question that Midcrow or Terry can probably answer the center nose gun has a bracket that mounts to the floor behind the bombsight,removed when in the bombing run?Is that why the cables hook to the .50? Thanks Kevin

Got the answer in videos all planes in flight not there was while on ground for storage I would expect I am hooking up cables so out it goes.
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Bombardier section is complete added to ammo belts and three MG's and added cables through the pulleys for the center MG.The upper glass is glue in place while I wait for the AM mg barrels making sure all lines up properly Kevin

The little Dr1 decals giving me fits my fault.

I have not been sitting on the ole keester this is about ten hrs of workand is not all of the work little sub-assemblies and such also have a new book coming in to help in certain stations/colors. Kevin

Size: 8 1/2″ x 11″ | 0 | 336 pages

Came in today along with Two New Revell 1/32 P-51s with decals for "Passion Wagon" $28 a piece Revell/Monogram
I keep plodding along on this one the book helped with the Bendix turret some PE parts was for the footrest once I knew that pretty much knew the position.I got the front hatch entry installed dirty a bit I think Eduard wanted me to saw off the original then install there's leaving the open hole hence the reason for the wash.The tailgunner station is just about complete doing ammo boxes now much like the nose boxes(5X).I am getting close to doing the Copit before long still alittle more work in the turret area.Thanks for looking in this build has been hoot! Kevin

Thks Guys like I said I have enjoyed this build working on ammo boxes and racks ATTM Kevin
The tail gunner position has been installed into the fuselage.I have spent about 5hrs building up the four hatches needed to access the aircraft both interior and exterior with the exteriors having 17 pieces required for the build with 8 for the interior doors.

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