Hs 123 A-1, "Red T"10./Lg 2; Greece April, 1941 Group Build

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Decals in progress. Infantry support badges are on, along with the tail markings. Thanks again for the badge Dirk! :)

Underwing crosses would NOT settle down so I'm going to have scrounge for another set.


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Looking great Dwight!

Dirk, where did you get the infantry badges from?

Thanks Evan, Wayne, Andy, Oz, VB and Wojtek.

Evan, There's ONE that comes with the Italeri Hs 129 B1 kit. Dirk was kind enough to send me his spare and I pilfered a second one from my copy of that kit.
Decals are going on now FINALLY - thanks to the techmod sets that I bought. The decals snuggled down nicely with no issues (I hope).

Underside done with ordinance glued in place. Lower picture is a bit dark (the overhead light in my workroom burned out and I took these before I replaced it) so the RLM 65 is showing up a tad on the grey side which is not how it looks up close.


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Thanks Wojtek. :) It took me a while to find the spare crosses I needed and to get the right clear coats. MUCH longer than I had planned.

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