"Kanonvogel" Ju 87 G-2

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I would think there would be some color in the cockpit, both front and read tho.... Is that the way it really looked???

You are absolutely right. There are still sam knobs that should be paited red and yelow and sam colours on the dushbored. So stupit of me to say that cockpit is ready...I´v forgoten them. sorry
Cool Marek, like I said, Im usin ur pics and build as a refrence for my upcoming build of the same kit...

And if could help u Marek, here is ur post from above, in correct English.....

Thank´s man. English writing is so difficult for me that I´ll probably never learn to write it correctly. But if you can stand my mistakes, I´d like to be here with you all. Dont get me wrong, I am much obliged to you for correcting me. Please do so in future too. But so meny have allready tried and... I really speak it very much beter then i write.
the more you read;
writing it won't enable you to read it better
reading it will enable you to write it better

But Colin I read english all the time. I read more in english then in Finnish or in Polish and still...!? May be it hes something to do with my writeing dislektion it is some kind of desorder. I do a lot of mistakes in Polish and in finnish too.
You're doing just fine Marek! Your English is far better than ANY of our Finnish or Polish, ask Wojtek he'll tell you about MY attempts to write ijn Polish....embarrassing, right Wojtek? My English is far from perfect, even though I've learned and spoken it from 4th grade in Swedish school, there's still an occasional frog jumping out as we sometimes say...
As Dan said, you're doing alot better than some...keep at it!
Your Stuka is coming along super! As for forgetting....believe you me, I've forgotten things as well, it's not the first and it sure won't be the last for anyone around here......so, no need for any apologies! 8)
Looking forward to more pics buddy!

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