"Kanonvogel" Ju 87 G-2

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But Colin I read english all the time. I read more in english then in Finnish or in Polish and still...!? May be it hes something to do with my writeing dislektion it is some kind of desorder. I do a lot of mistakes in Polish and in finnish too.
I would echo the previous sentiments, if not so demonstratively
You don't owe anyone an apology and foremost, we can understand you.
I wouldn't change what I said, reading is a better tool for learning a language than just writing it - if you're bad at writing it then you're only ever going to be bad at writing it...

For me, the best would be

1. Reading <language>
2. Conversational <language> (preferably with <language> natives)

3. Writing <language> to consolidate the lessons from #1 and #2

If you're attempting another language as a dyslexic that's very commendable but in that event I wouldn't get too worked up about your mistakes, like I said, we can understand you.
Thank you Colin. I try to do what you sugested. May be the miracle will happen.
Don't worry about your writing in English Marek, you are doing a LOT better than some English people! And, at least you can speak, and write, in a language other than your own. Polish and Finnish? I know one word in each language, Warsaw and Helsinki, but I can't write them in those languages! Also, if you have dislexia, you are doing exceptionally well. The main thing is, you are here with us, friends all over the World, and it's great to have you with us.
C'mon I'm not a friggin' miracle worker you Guys....

have 2 pics...from the internet don't know the original source....hope it doesn't upset anyone's apple cart!?

There are a few others of another one 494110 surrendered at Kitzingen..


  • Ju87_Rudel_494193.jpg
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  • Ju87_Rudel-494193b.jpg
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Rudels Stuka w Kitzingen:


  • Stuka Rudela w Kitzingen 000.jpg
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  • Stuka Rudela w Kitzingen 001.jpg
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  • Stuka Rudela w Kitzingen 002.jpg
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  • Stuka Rudela w Kitzingen 003.jpg
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