Macchi C 200 w.i.p.

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here I'm with a few more pictures, this time with some decal added.

Wing and fuselage fasces are from the kit while the tiger emblem and the number on landing gear cover are self-made.
To get the right contrast for the yellow and light blue on the tiger, I had to paint a white background.
Now I have to find a solution for the "squadriglia" and individual number "169-5"
The issue is on the white outline. I tried with drawing ink but it didn't worked so far; I will try again but I'm afraid the only solution will be to paint on white decal paper and very carefully cut each number.

Of course I still have to add those small details like machine guns barrels, pitot and Venturi tube etc., plus cowling components and then give some ageing and weathering to everything.

I'm not too happy for the camouflage mottling. The pattern is correct for a machine built by Aer Macchi in 1941, but the mottling itself should have been more dense.
Honestly I'm not too good with free-hand airbrush.

Any comment/suggestion is more then welcome.

You've done a pretty good job there Alberto.

Are you saying that the brown mottle has a bit of overspray effect?
If this is the case, one way I would fix this problem is a well thinned application of the Green around the mottle, working from the centre of the green pattern very carefully towards and around the edge of the brown to blend the mottles together a bit more.
Very nice result Alberto, and I agree with Wayne about getting the mottling right. Practice on some scrap first, the trick being to keep the 'brush under light pressure and moving at all times. This way, you can 'walk' the paint line to where you want it, with more control than 'on-off' with the trigger.
Many thanks to both Wayne and Terry for their suggestions.
I probably didn't explained the issue in the correct way.
In reality the issues are two.
First the Brown color is too much blended with the yellow: it has to be blended but not as much. I'm away from Milan for a few days, but when I get back, I'm already planning to tray to spray some more Brown over the existing mottle.
I think it should result more evident as it will be sprayed on the Future coat.
I will post new photos when available.
The second issue cannot be solved, without cleaning everything down to the bare plastic because, according to documents on this camo, the mottles should be more close one each-other and there is not enough space to add new ones.
Many thanks to both Wayne and Terry for their suggestions.

I will post new photos when available.

here are some additional photos.
The mottling has been a bit improved even if not yet optimal.

Additionally I started positioning other elements of the little diorama.

An airman dealing with the engine

An other one repairing a component (still to be painted)

And a pilot with his dog and a good bottle of Italian wine.

Figurines are converted German/British kits while the ladder and the table are scratch-built.

Of course there is still a lot to do before this work will be complete, but I think I'm on right track.
Not yet complete, I still have to do the vacu-form cowlings but, in the mean time, I did some weathering, added side glass to the cockpit and decided the final arrangement of the diorama.
Here same additional photos


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