Meteor NF.12, 46 Sqn, RAF, 1/48th scale.

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Thanks Andy, and yes, I can just about afford to leave it a couple of days. I'd prefer to be able to get it gloss coated later tomorrow, and then maybe start the decals on Sunday, but if it takes longer to cure, then so be it - as long as it's only a day or two !
Thanks Hugh.

The paint has finally dried, and the re-touching has been completed, along with some light panel line work, and the first gloss coat has been applied.
Going to give it another gloss coat later and let it harden overnight, and hopefully start on the decals tomorrow.
Thanks all.

Had to give it another two coats of gloss, as it just wasn't gloss enough !
I'm hoping it will be hard enough by tonight, so that I can start the decals.
Pics later if there's anything to show !
Thanks John.

Some light panel line work has been completed, and the radome painted, along with some re-touching here and there, and I've got the majority of the decals on, with another 30+ stencils, and the under-wing serial numbers yet to do.
The 46 Squadron markings were made using red decal stripes from an 'Xtradecal' sheet, laid onto the (glossed) white-painted 'fighter bars', the serial numbers are individual letters and numbers, again from an 'Xtradecal' serials sheet, and the 'B' code letter on the fin was cut from the word 'Caribinieri', from an Italeri decal sheet !
The kit decals were used for the national markings and stencils, with the roundels having separate red centers - always a pain.
These were produced by 'Microscale', who have been 'Superscale' for many years now so, having had experience of older 'Microscale' decals breaking up, or sometimes dissolving into many fragments when immersed in water, the kit's decal sheets were given an aerosol- sprayed coat of artist's satin varnish before use.
Overall, they performed quite well, and I was quite surprised, and relieved, that the larger, one-piece 'walkway' stencil lines went on fairly easily, and without 'silvering' beneath the quite large clear areas - these are still settling in the pics, after giving them a fair dollop of Micro Sol, to ensure they bed down over the blisters on the inner wing panels.
One of the red centers for the wing roundels kept lifting on one edge, even an hour after applying it, but after a stern warning, and the addition of some Micro Sol, it behaved itself and settled into place !
The larger 'walkway' decal on the inner, starboard wing was damaged, with a small section of one of the black lines missing, and this will be repaired with a black stripe decal (from that Italeri sheet again) once they have settled and set properly. The slight 'fogging' visible in the pics, around the black lines, should disappear after a sealing gloss clear coat.

All being well, I hope to get the remaining decals on by the end of today (Wednesday), then let them fully bed down and set, before spraying the model overall with a semi- gloss clear coat.
Once that's done, the remaining parts can be fitted (I hope without problems, in the case of the undercart !), the canopy masks can be removed, and any areas needing it can be cleaned - up.
I've still got five usable days in which to get it finished, so, fingers crossed, I should make the deadline.

Thanks again to all for following the build so far, and for the positive comments - back later tonight. And now, to bed, as it's 03.50 hrs here !!

Thanks chaps.

Had a small problem with one of the wing 'walk line' decals lifting, but gave it another sealing coat and it seems OK now.
Just finishing the last of the stencils decals, and then let it sit until tomorrow night, before spraying it overall in semi-gloss clear.
Looks great Terry. I'm sure you're already aware of this but the black dividers that separate options on many decal sheets are decals themselves. They've saved my keester a few times when I've screwed up walk-lines...

Thanks Geo and Wayne.

Yep, got the missing part of the walkway covered, using a strip from an old decal sheet.
Hoping to get the finishing clear coat on tonight, then get the final bits attached in the next couple of days.
Been trying to fit this in with running around preparing for the trip, and sorting the 'Tin Tent', forgetting to eat, and a sleep pattern that's totally up the pictures !
And now had a last-minute change of plan, as the campsite I normally use near Duxford, where I was going to meet Karl next Friday, is no longer taking bookings, as it's now totally covered with 'park homes' !
So now got to drive down to south of Oxford, deliver the models, stay overnight, and drive back the next day (Thursday), and meet Karl at my place at sparrow's f@rt Friday, for another 400 mile drive to the airport to fly to Holland !
I just hope these models survive the trip - and the anniversary dinner - after all this !
Thanks Hugh.

Got the decals sealed with a gloss clear coat last night, and left them to firmly set, with the intention of spraying the finishing semi-matt clear coat in a couple of hours from now.
I only applied a few of the stencils, along with the step guide black lines (with an extra one made from the black line on the old Italeri decal sheet, as the NF.12 had three 'kick in' steps), as they just refused to adhere, and kept lifting. A bit of a slow process, just applying six of the stencils, as each one had to be applied, tamped down, and then sealed with a clear coat to prevent them lifting - this model seems determined to throw up delays, just to frustrate me !!
Anyway, I hope to get it finished by Sunday, and the next set of pics should show the finished model. Then it'll be packed, along with the others, and I'll never see them again - sob, sob !

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