Meteor NF.12, 46 Sqn, RAF, 1/48th scale.

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Yep, and it works !

Yippee !!
I've got the Medium Sea Grey sprayed overall, with a good two coats, and an extra coat over the white areas, as this was making the finish look slightly lighter. The 'accessories', such as wing tanks and undercart doors were also sprayed at the same time.
I'll let this thoroughly dry, and then mark out the camouflage pattern in pencil, and spray the Dark Green sometime tomorrow.
Back on track and still two weeks left - just - in which to get this, and hopefully the NF.14 finished.

Thanks chaps.

The model has been masked in those areas requiring it, and the camouflage pattern has been marked out in pencil, ready for the application of the Dark Green.
This is possibly one of the most awkward shapes I've ever had to mask, with all the curves, and the upper / lower demarcation drops from the mid-line of the fuselage, to the level of the main wings at leading and trailing edges, with the canopy and the fin area remaining in MSG, even though surrounded by Dark Green in parts, and it's certainly the first time I've had to mask an already masked canopy !
This is going to be a tricky paint job, with some very awkward angles to reach, so I'll probably use a combination of airbrush and paint brush.
I'm going to need better light than what's available, so I'll paint this tomorrow, in good daylight.

Thanks very much chaps.

Kirby, the masking is done as far as it needs to go. I always spray the curved bits freehand, close in, with a 0.2 mm nozzle. It normally gives a hard edge when used close up, but any 'feathering' can then be corrected with a fine 000 brush.
I've got the first couple of stages done - I'm taking it slow and easy, one area at a time, due to the angles, mainly between the nacelles and fuselage, and under the tail-planes. The latter have been brush painted, as it was almost impossible to get the airbrush into the area accurately, especially with my lack of articulation in the hands.
Given I get the rest of the Dark Green finished today, I should have some pics tonight.
The main painting is done, and just needs a couple of 'touch-ups' here and there.

I had a mini disaster when about to spray a second area. Having prepared and thinned another batch of Model Master RAF Dark Green, I promptly knocked over the plastic shot glass I'd mixed it in, losing all of the paint.
"Oh, bother !" said I, realising I only had a small amount left in the MM bottle. (well, it sounded a bit like 'bother', but a bit stronger, and preceded by another word which rhymes with plucking !).
So on to 'Plan B - V1', and break out the Humbrol No.163 Dark Green satin enamel, thin it, and start spraying, including the areas already done in the MM paint.
Got a couple of small areas done, but found that I couldn't control the airbrush accurately enough, in the tight areas, due to my stiff and now somewhat painful hands and wrists.
As I didn't want to mess things up at this late stage (and with only 11 days remaining before delivery), I reverted to 'Plan B - V2', selected a decent No.3 paint brush, and painted the bulk of the Dark Green by hand !
As expected, whether airbrushed or brushed on, the satin paint, still 'tacky' in the pics, dried with an uneven, patchy, streaky finish, with some areas gloss, some satin and some matt. It's a pain if a satin finish is required, but I know that this will even-out when the clear coats are applied.

Next step is to do the re-touching, and then paint the radome matt black and, when it's dry, mask this and apply the gloss coat, ready for the decals, which I might be able to start sometime over the weekend, if the gloss coat is hard enough.
Thanks again for looking in and the kind comments, and I'll be back soon .........

Thanks Wojtek and Michael.
I've since corrected a bit of green I missed on the outer starboard wing, and also slightly extended the green on the port rear fuselage, forward of the fin, where the 'cut out' is for the serial number. Re-touching of the MSG along the starboard fuselage demarcation, and on one engine nacelle, will hopefully be done tomorrow - if the green is dry by then !
After around five hours, it's still tacky, a problem I've experienced a few times with this particular Humbrol shade.

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