Mitsubishi A6M8 CGI Project (2 Viewers)

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Yes it is, A4K:)
Its hint was in a drawing book.

How to hang.JPG
Thanks Aaron for your many encouraging words too!
I feel as if I am working with you:)
Thanks Gnomey.

This Zero wing image is from my older work.
It was not necessarily accurate on its shape and size as made mainly based on photos.
This time, I am going to remake it based on the drawings and numerical values I obtained later expecting more accuracies.

Thanks A4K, Thor and Aaron for your all kind words!

I have no idea about the next plane but am still anxious about those unfinished Wright Cyclone and RR Merlin.
They have beautiful structures too.
Thank you very much, Wayne, Gnomey and Eric!

I had to explain why the canopy wheels could run on the rails which were not placed in parallel.
There was enough space for the wheels to sideslip.
I have taken eight years to understand this:)

While I've enjoyed watching the assembly of the A6M, I've also had the opportunity (and everyone else) to actually see how it was constructed.

We've all seen wartime photos of the aircraft in action and we've also seen the wreckage of the aircraft, but unless a person happens to be fortunate enough to help in the restoration of an actual A6M, it would be nearly impossible to see this perspective you've offered us, Shinpachi...many thanks and keep up the good work! :thumbleft:

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