Movie Double Bill.

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Missed this thread when you first posted yesterday Terry (I think the title might have lead me to believe it was a thread about another subject matter! They call that false advertising don't they?)

Great idea for a project! and I love the background to the movie you included. I always find its nice to have something else to go to when you need a break from the build I've been concentrating on.
Thanks guys, glad you're liking it.
Chris, I would quite like to do the 'Psychadelic Monster' B25 sometime, and the CASA 2-111 Heinkel, both in 1/48th scale.
So, the cockpit parts have been slightly detailed and painted, and are almost ready to be fitted and the fuselage joined.
PICS 1and 2 Show the cockpit floor etc. The lap straps for the seat harness were made from foil and plastic strip and rod, and represent the more 'modern' type, as presuambly fitted in the 1960s. The shoulder harness straps will be fitted when the fuselage is ready to be joined.
PIC 3. The starboard wall, with the added bits painted.
PIC 4. Port wall, with the throttle, pitch and mixture levers added and painted. The knobs were made with blobs of PVA, painted the appropriate colours once set.
PIC 5. The instrument panel painted. The dials have been coated with 'Future', which is still wet in this shot and reflecting the light. The needles on the gauges actually show up quite well, but are diffused here.
It's been a very enjoyable build so far, but I keep having to remind myself that this is a 1960s movie aircraft, and not a WW2 fighter. The 'mods' made for the movie made the Buchon look more like a Bf109, but some components and fittings were still post war, or newly fitted for the movie, and different, and in some cases not in the same location, compared to the'real' Emil and Bf109G.
I very nearly altered the wing to the shape many Buchons now carry, and some have reverted to the full-span tips, after studying photos of current airworthy Buchons, but I remembered that the wings had been clipped and 'squared' specially for the movie, so checked all my archive pics from the time. Good job too, as I noticed a number of other small details which are different to 'standard' or what is found on 'todays' Buchons.
I'll post another update soon, as I can only progress so far, as I'm waiting for some gauze to arrive to use on the nose intake.
Thanks again for your interest and kind comments.


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Thanks again guys, and you're right Paul; there was very nearly one Jumo engine though ..... but that's another story.
I've gone as far as I want to on this at the moment, as I'm waiting for the mesh for the intake to arrive, and also want to finish the Buccaneer and start on the Group Build 'rea'l Messerschmitts.
The cockpit is in, the fuselage joined and wings on, as shown below.
PICS 1 and 2. The cockpit in place. The gun sight and shoulder harness will be added later.
PIC 3. The fuselage has been joined and the joints sealed, sanded and polished, and panel lines re-engraved where needed. Fit of parts so far is excellent - unlike a particular twin-jet model from another manufacturer !
PIC 4. The bulged fairings over the Merlin rocker covers are in place and the joints sealed with PVA. The small 'breather' intakes at the front of each bulge have been drilled and engraved, and the dummy machine gun covers and muzzles added, and await clean-up. I hadn't expected these to be included in this issue of the kit, so it was a nice surprise. The small cockpit fresh air intakes beneath each side of the windscreen have been added from stretched sprue, and will be sanded to shape once set, and the cockpit side-wall vents have been engraved and await clean-up.
PIC 5. The fit of the main wings was excellent, clipping neatly into place,although the dihedral was a little 'flat'. Therefore, the wing roots were filed, and tape used to hold the wings at the correct angle until set.
That's it for now, but I should be able to do some more, in between the GB builds, once the fine mesh gauze arrives for the carb air intake in the 'chin' fairing.
Thanks again for your interest, and I should be starting on the Spit MkIX soon too.


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Agree with Harrison. Really moving along Terry, and looking good!

That Propeller attachment pin brings back bad memories from when I made that kit. Too much slop in the fit. I ended up glueing the pin solid and making the prop "fixed"
As usual, great looking models be they accurate or not, can't get over the tiny folding wing tip which may Lovely stiff T, I can see this is going to be another one of your excellent builds
Thanks very much guys, I should have more done in the next few days.
Glenn, I usually glue the prop shafts, but allow the prop to slip on/off as required. Sometimes, of course, it has to be glued solid - we'll see what happens with this one.

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