decided to remove the forward floor son's dremel has roughed out the area that I wanted to do, will tidy it up at lunchtime at work tomorrow then start on the new floor section. Pics tomorrow!
Well I knuckled down and went for it and am pretty happy with the results...
Knife and file tidied up the forward floor area, squared up the opening and removed some upper side floor to ensure my corrugated strips all sat at the same height in the front and back sections. Only cut out enough to cover what is visible from above....
Created the replacement floor section from plasticard and then applied the strips, once done I trimmed the overhanging strips so they would sit flush against the side walls...tiny bit of sanding and the new floor dropped in perfectly!
Yeah, I know Dan, wasnt gonna get carried away but....couldn't help it, was on a roll!
wait till you see the next bit!