Prayers or good thoughts

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The doctor has told him the medicine is working and his heart is back in rhythm.


(Just out of interest, what was the 'magic' drug that worked-Sotalol, Amiodarone, or something else? Both a very popular in Australia.)
@ Karl

I'm still here and alive battling with my own cancer probs, but I will claim victory

(Just out of interest, what was the 'magic' drug that worked-Sotalol, Amiodarone, or something else? Both a very popular in Australia.)

Dont know Graeme. I'll find out.

Erich. I'm saddened to read about your problem. Keep up the good fight! You know we are ALL pulling for you.
I have my ups and downs but I will defeat this sh*t, today is a downer, but I'll bounce right back....thanks Becca, good to see ya both back on
My father could use a few prayers, guys.

P.S. Don't ever forget to tell the people you love that you love them.

Glad to hear of your Dad's recovery Thor.

@ Karl

I'm still here and alive battling with my own cancer probs, but I will claim victory

Keep up the fight Erich.

My Dad is in the same battle now, he just found out yesterday that he has a malignant tumor on his liver.

(Just out of interest, what was the 'magic' drug that worked-Sotalol, Amiodarone, or something else? Both a very popular in Australia.)

Graeme, here is what he is taking......

* - ENALAPRIL - lowers blood pressure to help prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems. Alsorelaxes blood vessels causing them to widen. This also used with other drugs, diuretics and to treat congestiveheart failure.

* - WARFARIN - this is a anticoagulant, helps keep blood flowing smoothly and decreases certain substances to clot in the blood.

* - CARVEDILOL - treats high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. This is a beta-blockerthat helps reduce the risk of a heart attack.

* - AMIODARONE - treats life-threayening heart rhythm problems in patients who have already taken antiarrhythmic medicines.

*** - DIGITEK - this the one the doctor took me off last week. It was used to treat certain types of irregular heartbeats.
Thanks for the pharmacy update Thor. You have a good understanding of the drugs involved and their method of action, which will be of great benefit to your father in future decision making, good work! My best to you both.
As Thor said, Erich, we're all with ya... Keep it up ,mate!
It runs in the male side of our family, so I know (thankfully only second hand) how bad it is - but I also know that half the battle is in your mind.
Easy to say, but try to keep on top of it mate.

All the best to your dad too, freebird. Ya's are all in my prayers.
Ok guys. Got the word from my dad today. The doctor has told him the medicine is working and his heart is back in rhythm. His doc has a pretty good since of humor. He told my dad that he was just chicken sh!t about getting shocked again!! :) If things remain clear and good, he can go back to work in 2 weeks. He is retired, but does a couple side jobs just to stay busy.

He said he appreciates all the good thoughts and prayers, as do I.

Fantastic news mate glad to hear it.

@ Karl

I'm still here and alive battling with my own cancer probs, but I will claim victory

Erich, sorry to hear of your hiccup, thoughts are with you mate, take care.

Fingers crossed for your Dad too Freebird!

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