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Nice stuff guys !
Bill, that artwork should print onto clear decal sheet ok, although the pale tones will lose some density. This can be re-touched in paint once the decals are in position.
Love the nose art Bill.

Here are some more of my teenage scrawls, this time in pencil. IIRC, the first Corsair was copied from a Revell box art as well. Rest are from my head.


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    Corsair Pencil.jpg
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  • Corsair Pencil 2.jpg
    Corsair Pencil 2.jpg
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  • FW190 Pencil.jpg
    FW190 Pencil.jpg
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  • Hartman 109.jpg
    Hartman 109.jpg
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Thanks Guys

Great stuff Andy. Do you still draw and paint? If not, you should !

Terry, I have not really tackled anything like this for quite a while except that I did do my first two oils of some local mountains for my mother and father about 10 or 12 years ago. They turned out pretty good.

I saw your stuff in another thread and felt a bit inspired to do something like it but other things keep me from it. Modeling was my return to youth a few years back and that's my spare time pursuit now with the limited time I have with teenaged kids and a fulltime job. My vision of retirement in the next 5 years includes taking up painting to fill my days and volunteering at a flying museum where the Lanc that I visited yesterday is based. I have 3 Robert Taylor prints and all of his books and would be using his work on my learning curve with oils.

Thanks for the compliment. Hopefully I'll be around to post some if this future work!
Thanks David. Last bunch of pencil sketches, still circa 1977:


  • Spit V Pencil.jpg
    Spit V Pencil.jpg
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    Spit and V1.jpg
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  • Miss Marilyn Pencil.jpg
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  • Marseille 109.jpg
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Thanks so much guys.

Finally, the last few shots where I was experimenting with pen and ink wash. Only one got finished as I guess I ran out of patience.


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    Galland 109 Ink.jpg
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  • Unfinished Lightning.jpg
    Unfinished Lightning.jpg
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  • Hurricane Ink.jpg
    Hurricane Ink.jpg
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