Tiger I. Kursk Armor Group Build

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Oh Glenn, your tracks don't seem as bad as mine! My tracks are 14 pieces for one side. They have separate links for the curves that you have to add individually, oh god....
The tow cables are great Glenn, and if you ever need to do it in larger scales, the cord used on gift tags is ideal, once painted, and guitar strings for heavier cables. There were some lighter gauge cables on the hull sides also, used for track changing.
Thanks Terry. I saw those cable on Tigers in pictures but it seemed that just as many didn't have them so I think I'll leave them off. For now anyway. Maybe later when I'm done with every thing else it there's time. I'm working on the base now and so far its working out pretty good. Maybe pictures later.
The base so far. If the battle of Kursk happened in Janurary I'd be all done! :lol:
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Thanks guys, still a lot of work to do on it. I bought the stuff I'm going to use for tall grass today, I just hope I can make it look convincing.
Glenn, you're doing fantastic with this. I gave up on the tracks with mine. That white glue trick is very handy - did it with some tissue and some toothpicks to make a tent once.
Thanks guys!
I did some more work on the base tonight, and I also muddied up the tracks some and stuck in some grass. Looking at the pictures I think I cut the grass a little too long and I will trim it a little shorter. The ground cover turned out Ok and I think looks like dirt,(that's what it is, actually) but I'm worried about being able to replicate a field of tall grass. The last picture shows what I have to work with, I just don't know if I can make it into a wheat field. Maybe I can do a bunch of grass tufts.
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Bl**dy fantastic! I love the grass/wheat caught in the tracks, very realistic.
I agree about being able to do a whole wheat field, it'll take ages, and be difficult. Try going for a normal 'rough grass' look, in patches, with bunches of scrub weed etc, and larger areas of tall grass, as you would see on a virgin plain. The mix of colours and textures will work very well, and not only compliment the camouflage on the tank, but should look brilliant. I should have some pics of the type of terrain I mean, in the Kursk area, if you need them.
Looking very nice Glen.
You could also lay some of the grass down flat to indicate the passage of more vehicles, easier to cover a bigger area that way.

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