Tiger I. Kursk Armor Group Build

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Decided to give the exhaust heat shield a shot before dinner.

I decided that thin aluminum would make the best material so I needed a can.

None in the recycling bin so I had to force myself to have a beer for the sacrificial can.

I have to admit, your devotion to your craft is just inspring.
It's a dirty job, having to open those cans, but someone has to do it - thanks for the supreme effort Glenn!
BTW, the model looks tops with those beer shields!!

Who would have guessed that modeling could be a drinking game? At least I'm not alone. I have to keep drinking beer and hard ice teas to for the bottle caps. I use those to mix my paints. As I'm sure most of you know it takes a lot of mixed paint to make a model. ***Hic***
OK, 1 more sacrificial beer can and I have all 4 exhaust can what-ya-ma-call-its fabricated and installed. I didn't really need another sacrificial beer, but what's the fun in that. A good hour to make those cans out of little pieces of sprue , and then to get those little straps glued on with superglue without including my fingers as a permanent part of the Tiger! Well let me tell you, the beer had worn completely off by then!!!
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Great work on those exhausts!

Just an idea: If you find or make new wheels, you may be able to use the old wheels to make the cupola. They look to be about the right shape and circumfrence and you can adapt. At least as a base to start from.

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