Tiger I. Kursk Armor Group Build

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Oddball: Hi man

Big Joe: What are you doing

Oddball: I'm drinking wine, and eating cheese, and catching some rays ya know....
My Favorite war movie, Of should I say bank robbery movie!

Nazi Tiger Commander: I have orders! This bank is not to fall into the hands of the American Army!

Kelly: This bank isn't going to fall into the hands of the American army. It's going to fall into our hands, you see were just a private enterprise operation.

Nazi Tiger Commender: You the American army!

Oddball: No baby we ain't. You know what's in that bank there..... 16 Million Dollars worth of gold's in that bank sweetheart.

Big Joe: Thats over 15 million marks...

Kelly: And Sergent, all you have to do to have equal share of this money is crank this turret around and blow a hole in that door

Love it! Can hear the theme tune as they grind away in the Tiger - "...burning bridges...".
Gotta get that movie on DVD !!
Did some work on the new cupola using a 1/48 scale 1000 lb bomb from the spair's box. No pictures tonight and I still have some to do with it but it looks like it is going to work out OK. This may be my last work before the trip but I may sneak in a little tomorrow, but no chance of painting as the new compressor won't be here until after the trip now.
Oddball: Crazy... I mean like, so many positive waves... maybe we can't lose, you're on!
Oddball: Hi, man.
Big Joe: What are you doing?
Oddball: I'm drinking wine and eating cheese, and catching some rays, you know.
Big Joe: What's happening?
Oddball: Well, the tank's broke and they're trying to fix it.
Big Joe: Well, then, why the hell aren't you up there helping them?
Oddball: [chuckles] I only ride 'em, I don't know what makes 'em work.
Big Joe: Christ!
Oddball: Definitely an antisocial type. Woof, woof, woof! That's my other dog imitation.
Oddball: Always with the negative waves Moriarty, always with the negative waves.
Oddball: [looking at aerial pics of the a remaining bridge] Beautiful.
Moriarty: suppose the bridge ain't there?
Oddball: [groans] Don't hit me with them negative waves so early in the morning. Think the bridge will be there and it will be there. It's a mother, beautiful bridge, and it's gonna be there. Ok?
Oddball: [Later: Oddball is looking through binoculars at the bridge] Still up!
Oddball: [planes fly and bomb the bridge] ... No it ain't. See what sending out them negative waves did, Moriarty?
Moriarty: That ain't my fault, Oddball, I've done nothing but have good thoughts about that damn bridge ever since we left!

D*mn! Need to watch that DVD now! :lol:
Crapgame: Hay!-Hay!-Hay!- Hay!- I found one!!!!
Big Joe: What kind is it?
Crapgame: The kind that blows up!! How the He*l em' I supposed to know what kind it is!!!!
Glenn, pulled a couple pics off of imageshack. Hope they help.....


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One more close up picture might come in handy...
(Source: Squadron-Signal Tiger In Action)


  • Copy of Squadron-Signal - Armor 027 - TIGER In Action_Page_12.jpg
    Copy of Squadron-Signal - Armor 027 - TIGER In Action_Page_12.jpg
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Finished making and installed the new commander's cupola.
First picture shows how I cut it from a 1/48 scale bomb, and the second photo shows it installed on the turret with the sightly modified original hatch cover.

Thus is probably it for me for a week and a half because we leave for our trip tomorrow at 5am and I still have to pack.
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