Tiger I. Kursk Armor Group Build

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Started fabricating the box on the back of the turret (Tool Box?) out of plastic card. Thought it would be a simple matter and of course it has turned out to be somewhat of a pain cutting and assembling those small parts. Still have some filing and sanding to do before I mount it on the turret.
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Very nice work Glenn. Yes, it was a tool / general storage bin, often called a 'Rommelkesten', or 'Rommel's chest', after they were fitted to PzKfw IIIs and IVs in North Africa.
I finished and mounted the 'Rommelkesten' on the back of the turret. Next thing to do will be the 4 big pipes on the rear deck (Supercharger air intakes Terry?) I was thinking of using copper wire of a size that looks in scale. It should be ready for paint then.
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Looking bl**dy good Glenn! Great work on such a small model.
The four 'big pipes' were part of the Pfiefel air filter system, which you can see in that overhead pic come from the filter cans on the rear hull plate.
One thing if you can manage it - try to fit a 'rim' around the top edge of the commanders cupola, as shown in your pic of the real Tiger. A sliver of thin plastic card, or even stretched sprue or copper wire should do the trick.
Got me really wanting to do something for this part of the GB now....if I can find the time!
(Just thought, I've got a 1/48th scale kettenrad which isn't doing anything......)
I noticed that my self tonight Terry but thought it was too late to do anything about it, but your idea of stretched sprue might just work. I'll give it a try. Thanks
Thanks Vic, Wayne.
The more I look at pictures of that turret hatch the more I think I made it too tall. I think I'll try to fix that when I make that rim that terry mentioned. It looked OK until I saw it blown up on the computer monitor. This little $4 kit is turning into a major project! But I am having a lot of fun with it!
I glued the commander's cupola on too good because I mangled it pretty good taking it off and will have to make a new one instead of fixing the old one. The picture shows the mangled cupola which I have added a ring of stretched sprue at Terry's suggestion. After I dress this up with a file, I'll cut the top off with a razor saw and glue it to what's left of the bomb caseing in the picture, cut it to size and reinstall it on the turret.
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That makes a heck of a difference Glenn, good work mate. Hope you can make another one, if not, you could always make a 'tube' of plastic card. BTW, just in case you might want to add internal detail, I have a couple of Tiger cutaway drawings if you need them...... I'll leave now, shalll I??!!

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