Tiger I. Kursk Armor Group Build

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Spent a bit of time painting today and am very pleased with the results. I started out only intending to spray the dark yellow and ended up finishing the other two camo colors as my airbrush was cooperating today. Next will be trying to modify the road wheels from a late to an early model Tiger. Been dreading that one!


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It sure is. Very nice job there Glenn. Good luck with the wheels - I don't think it'll be as bad as you think. File/sand off the raised areas inside the rim, and maybe add a thin strip of plastic card around the circumference to represent the rubber tyre .
Thanks guys! I already have the wheels sorted out Terry, rivets sanded off and enough of a line left around the edge to define the rubber for painting. They aren't dished out like they should be, but I think I can live with that. I should have waited to paint until I had the wheels ready. Now I have to spray the same colors again. ](*,)
Sounds good Glenn, and I don't think the lack of the 'dish' will be noticeable, especially with the multi-coloured stripes. For that size, just do a soft edge with a paintbrush, saves a lot of messing with the airbrush. Plus some diffusing with a dry-brush of 'dust', that should more than disguise the shape in this small scale.
Thanks Karl, Terry, I'll probably use the airbrush because for some reason that yellow doesn't brush worth a da*n, so as long as I have it out for that, it's nothing to spray the other two colors. Maybe tonight.
That looks tops mate. The wheels should pass ok I reckon.
The turret might need the binocular sight for that period, and the rear pistol port on the left side (port side) of the turret. I'll check and let you know.
The binocular sight was replaced by a monocular sight later, and is the small hole, or 'tube' to the right of the gun, when viewed from the front. From the outside, the binocular sight was basically two parallel holes in the manlet, so easy to do without damage, and the rear pistol port was a 'disc' with a slot, which can easily be glued in place an painted over if you decide to do it.
Thanks guys! That wash really made a difference. Terry, any help would be appreciated. It sounds like that pistol port is what's already molded on either side if the turret (seen better in previous pictures) if it's in the back wouldn't it be covered over by the tool box? or am I misunderstanding?
No, it was just near the vertical edge of the tool bin, similar to the loading / escape hatch, but much smaller. I'm just looking through some stuff now, in between posts, so should have an answer very soon. It gets confusing slightly, as there was quite a bit of 'mix and match' between the various issues of the same Ausf models.
You might even get away without having to add either !
I found it in one of the photos I already had Terry. Shouldn't be too much trouble.
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