Tiger I. Kursk Armor Group Build

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That's the one! Just got to check whether it was binocular, or monocular sight. It started monocular, then binocular, then back again !
Sorted it. At the time of Kursk, it was a stadiametric binocular sight. So, looking at the gun mantlet from the front; on the right of the gun tube (on the model) there is what appears to be a short tube. Remove this, to leave a hole, and drill another hole, of the same diameter, to the right of this, at a guess, for this scale, about 1mm apart. That should do it. If you need a pic let me know, I'm struggling with my hands at the moment, so haven't scanned the book yet.
I'll look at my references. There should be a pik I can use. When you said binocular, or monocular Above I misunderstood and thought you were talking about two kinds of rear pistol ports. Understood now, Thanks a lot Terry
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Just found this wonderful picture so I think I'm set for the binocular sight. I'm going to see if I can make the tube like clusters on the front corners of the turret if I can scrounge some tube material small enough to make them out of. I don't really know what they are for. Grenade launchers maybe? I know there are many here that would know and I would appreciate the addition to my limited knowledge of things Armor.
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no they are smoke dischargers, a short term approach that was quickly removed, almost worthless
Thanks, I hadn't heard that before.
I made the changes Terry suggested, drilling out the binocular sight to the right of the gun and adding the pistol port made out of plastic card stock on the left rear of the turret. I will give these areas a black wash to make them blend in better. I also painted on the rubber part of the 36 road wheels and installed them.
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Looking great Glenn. Yes, the three 'tubes' on each side of the turret were smoke dischargers, which, as Erich pointed out, were later deleted, althoiugh some Tigers at Kursk had them.(The Tiger in your pic I presume is the one at Bovington, UK, which was captured intact in Tunisia, the first use of Tigers).
Apart from being ineffective, a Tiger took a hit in the dischargers, which detonated the smoke cannisters, which in turn set fire to the electrical system. This lead to the tank being lost after burning out ! Due to this, the system was discontinued on all further production.
There should be 'S' mine discharger cups on each corner of the hull for the Kursk period. These were for discharging anti-personnel mines in close combat, and each was a single 'tube', similar in appearance to one of the smoke discharger tubes. If you havent got a pic, let me know. (again, these were discontinued on later production.)
Looking at the road wheels, which look great btw, if possible, they would look even better if the central 'well' on each outer wheel could be filled slightly, leaving the main hub spindle visible. I reckon they would look more 'dished' then.
That is the Tiger at Bovington. I remember seeing a video in which the guy that took the shot that disabled it was pointing out how the shell skidded along the barrel and hit the manlet, jamming it and disabling the gun.

It should be no problem to fill in the wheel hubs a little as I have to put the wash on them any way. I think I will save myself a headache and not put in the smoke dischargers since it sounds like the majority of Tigers at Kursk did not have them, but I will try to find something to fabricate the 'S' mine dischargers, and I also need to fabricate the headlamps. I'll probably put on the decals and tracks before I tackle those fiddly bits.

All in all I'm very pleased with the way it's coming along. I had a few minuets of panic though late last night when one of the exterior road wheels fell to the floor and went missing wile I was installing it, but to my amazement I was able to find it.
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Simply stunning work Glen.

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but didn't I read somewhere in one of the three threads for this build (Glen's, Harrison's and Mine) that the red/ brown color wasn't used on the German armor until AFTER the battle of Kursk?
I used the colors Terry mentioned in this post and made the pattern based on several profiles I found on the internet
Nice one Glenn. If it's the original kit, I remember that from around 19....er...some time ago! The Dark Yellow overall was standard factory finish from late 1941, with dark green and wine red being applied in the field. I should have some pics of Tigers in Russia from that period, which I'll post when found.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but didn't I read somewhere in one of the three threads for this build (Glen's, Harrison's and Mine) that the red/ brown color wasn't used on the German armor until AFTER the battle of Kursk?

Pretty certain the Green and the Red/Brown were both used during Kursk...as one Tiger I subject I am looking at indicates that it was a new tank delivered in the Dark Yellow and then had the green and brown added....will check my reference....could be wrong too!:D

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