What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Did this hat have drop down ear-muffs - or was it one of those 'Moose' hats ?

(sorry but since you raised the subject I was curious really)
Being let down by a colleague, but getting the blame myself. Our customer was giving me a hard time as his new H&M store opened this morning for the first time and our service engineer failed to turn up and the equipment failed just as the queuing public were waiting to come in: needless to say I got the heated rant from the relevant customer manager.
don't even get me started today- that's how crappy a day/week it's been.

Just gonna enjoy a nice time in Long Beach with my daughter and cheer her on loudly!!! Hoping for back to back good meets. It's been a while, and state is in 3 weeks.

thinking happy thoughts...... happy, happy, happy........

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