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Finishing my first week back at work from the two week summer shutdown.
Today couldn't have come soon enough. Roll on Christmas!
writing to David Cameron (again) complaining about the latest relevation that 'top civil servants get their income tax paid, free cars and other expensive perks'... all in it together? my arse.
Going through photos I took at the little airshow today. First one all year. Hope it's not the only one.
Up here in Northern California, our options are limited. Typically, the Redding Airshow is every-other year but recently, it's been three years between shows. There is the Father's Day Fly-in here at Benton, but I missed that because of the wreck.

Oherwise, The closest thing is the Fire Bomber traffic to Redding (RDD) Airport and I am west of it, so I can see them coming and going occasionally...
Dave, I hope your recovery is going well. We have not had any airshows locally this year. Winston Salem will be Sept. 20th through the 21st or 2nd. Not sure.
Just got done posting yesterdays airshow shots.
Currently on the outside of a load of 'Bud' beers and getting quitely mellowed :). Have been working on my '51 for most of the afternoon,...annoyed the neighburs (who cares how loud a flight sim Merlin is anywhay :) ) and am just chilling out till another éxciting (read boring as flip !) day in the office....yaaaaaawwwnnnnnnnnnnnn !

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