What Cheered You Up Today?

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Went to the library, and it turned out that there was not one, but five books waiting for me there. *runs around the others with arms up a broad grin plastered to face* :D
So now I can sit down with my after-dinner-coffee ( - treated myself to a deep pan pizza at the nearby mall *hic*), and start reading:

Robert Forsyth: JV 44: The Galland Circus.
Donald Caldwell: JG 26: Top Guns Of The Luftwaffe.
Donald Caldwell: The JG 26 War Diary, Vol. 1.
Donald Caldwell: The JG 26 War Diary, Vol. 2.
Werner Held: Adolf Galland: Ein Fliegerleben in Krieg und Frieden.

A quick look-through tells me that the Caldwell books are a total must have. ;)
Went to Kulhuse with biker buddy Jørn, he went swimming while I watched the beautiful sunset and had a cup of coffee, and we sat and talked until the stars came out on a warm and beautiful night.
Then went home, and stopped on the way for an ice cream at a local gas station. Nice trip, beautiful evening. :)
Today is my two year anniversary of finding and becoming a member of this site. Learned a lot of new things and made a whole bunch of friends from around the globe.
This evening I saw something that made me stop, stare and grin like an idiot.

I went over to Sherwood Forest for a thrash around on my bike, it's just a few miles from where I live. It's a beautiful, warm late summer's evening, with hardly a cloud in the sky. I was pedalling back, and behind me at six o'clock I noticed a hot air balloon, which is a common enough sight around here on a clear, still evening, not far away, half a mile maybe, couldn't guess at its altitude but not very high.

Then I heard the sound of jet engines, and from eleven o'clock, in front of me and to the left, flew in the Red Arrows, slow as you like, in two "vee" formations, one behind the other. According to their web site they've been doing a display in Scotland today, and it's an indirect way to get back to Scampton, but there they were, flying at what couldn't have been more than a few hundred feet. Anyway, the Arrows proceeded to fly underneath the hot air balloon - and as they passed under they hit the smoke for a three-four second burst, before going on their way and leaving a blanket of smoke below the balloon's basket. How cool is that? 8) Safe to say, if I had been in the balloon, I would have quite literally cr*pped myself with excitement...

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