What Cheered You Up Today?

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I just got back from my weeks course and a letter from the Freinds of Duxford was waiting for me I have been very lucky and managed to get onto the USAAF Lakenheath visit aparently it was way over subscribed so to get 1 of the 30 available places out of 500 applications was a bit of a coup. I look foward to being taken around the base If I see Eric woz here written in the latrines I'll get a snap for the site.
Got the Sterling Stearman model I won on E-baaaaY today. It is an old control line flying model that I hope to convert to electric R/C. Also picked up a rare 4 pack of a local brewers beer names Surly Hell, its a Munich Helle style Lager. Very limited production and it has been flying off the shelves. I'm on my second glass and it's pretty dang tasty!!!
Hopefully I can pick up a second 4 pack tomorow, but it has quite a locla following so I won't be suprised if it is gone already!
Today's motorcycle trip: Skovlunde - Hillerød - Gilleleje - Hundested - Frederiksværk - Copenhagen.
We finished the trip by meeting our biker buddies at Langelinie this evening, which was great.

And! :lol:
Tomorrow's the annual traditional closing of the amusement park Bakken, located north of Copenhagen.
Motorcycle riders from all over Denmark - and a few from our neighbouring countries - meet at Nørrebrogade in Copenhagen at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and at 7 o'clock we head north.
That's a great experience, and great fun. :)


A small section of Nørrebrogade before take-off.


...sometimes we're not that many if the weather's bad... ;)


En route, Nørrebro.


The parking lot at Bakken. :lol:
Note: If you go to Bakken by car that particular day, you haven't got a snowball's chance in a very hot place of leaving again before the bikes are gone! :lol:
The police stops the traffic along the route to ensure safe passage for those of us on motorcycles, and usually it takes from 30 to 90 minutes for all of us to pass through, depending on how many we are (- which again depends on the weather...).
One year the police tried to change the route because of complaints from car drivers and house owners on the route.
The motorcycle riders didn't really care about that, they rode the traditional route.
The police hasn't really bothered to try and change the route since then. ;)
(- all are my photos from previous years' openings and closings of Bakken)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIr2_vXzF3s
Video quality is poor, but you get a basic idea about the general traffic situation. ;)

I meet with my buddy after work, and off we go. :lol:
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after 15 months off and 2 surgerys to remove a tumour the size of a golf ball from my brain i finally get to go back to work next week.Means less time spent reading these forums but at least i will have siome money to buy more BF110s .living on £64 a week for the last year has not been fun i tell you
after 15 months off and 2 surgerys to remove a tumour the size of a golf ball from my brain i finally get to go back to work next week.Means less time spent reading these forums but at least i will have siome money to buy more BF110s .living on £64 a week for the last year has not been fun i tell you

That's fricken awesome, congratulations!!
It's called Lyndon State College 109. It's not big, but I kinda like it up here. Plus, a lot of the mountains in Vermont are about an hour's drive away. :)

Sounds good , was just asking - thought campus was like a place you went to live while you attended school
I just went up my yacht club and a couple of crews from the Lower Thames rowing club were on a vsit having lunch Yesterday they completed the Thames great river race 22 miles in 2 hours ( not bad for a 26ft gig ) anyway looks like Ive wangled a trip out with them, that should knacker me good and proper I havent rowed for 15 years.
Make sure you've got a boat then Lee!
That's great news Jamie, I'm relly pleased to hear your back, up and about. Good luck on your return to work.
Nice to hear Jamie!

And I hope your real proud Conkering :lol: :lol:

My dad did something similar when I was six... we were riding bikes and he wanted to race and I was winning (of course he'd let me win to think I was good at something) with 20 feet to go he just blew by me. I started crying. :lol:
Was given a book - Emily Post: "Etiquette", 25th printing 1937, by a friend who thought it could be fun for me to read, because we talked about everyday etiquette one evening. And then I discovered that the book was signed by Mrs. Post, as well as the person who gave the book to his/her mother for christmas 1937! :shock:
For a book collector and history freak like me, that's incre...no, it's great. ;)
Told my buddy about the signature, and he said: "Oh yes, that's right - it's okay, you can keep it anyway."
Well - thanks. ;)
Sounds good , was just asking - thought campus was like a place you went to live while you attended school

It is. When I say campus, I mean that the classes are in the same area of buildings. There's about eight buildings dedicated to housing students, dorms. The classes themselves are in the educational building. The campus is small enough for me to walk from one side to another in about five minutes.
It is. When I say campus, I mean that the classes are in the same area of buildings. There's about eight buildings dedicated to housing students, dorms. The classes themselves are in the educational building. The campus is small enough for me to walk from one side to another in about five minutes.

Ah I see ,THX for the info mate :D

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