What Cheered You Up Today?

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As previous posts have mentioned we are in the middle of some serious (for us) snow. Aircraft grounded, trains stationary, roads blocked, emergency services under pressure.

So what happens

Woman dials 999 to report snowman theft in Kent

Full story BBC News - Woman dials 999 to report snowman theft in Kent

"During the conversation she said: "There's been a theft from outside my house.

"I haven't been out to check on him for five hours but I went outside for a fag and he's gone."

When she was asked who had gone, the woman replied: "My snowman. I thought that with it being icy and there not being anybody about, he'd be safe."

She was then asked whether it was an ornament, and answered: "No, a snowman made of snow, I made him myself".

What a plonker!
Excent drawings Maria!

After spending time yesterday at my Mums in 38C heat removing furniture.... I got home received a phone call of support from Vic (Balshaw) to see how the funeral went and to see how I was doing...really pleased he called.
Well had a very nice day today at the museum:
Lots of sweet guests, the weather today was fairly nice (no frost), set up a No Trespassing-line in front of the museum due to snow and ice falling from the roof four storeys up. At first I couldn't find any of the things that I needed - traffic cones, No trespassing-tape - but I sorted it out and got the set-up done.

Also managed to help one of our guests, who accidentally managed to lock himself out of his car - called Dansk Auto Service (Danish Auto Service), and he got his help so that he and his missus could get home.

And to top it off, one of my colleagues - Hanne - sent me off yesterday to the State Attorney's Office to photograph a photo of a former State Attorney, August Goll - we needed the photo because the annual book for the members of the Police Historical Society contains a long article about Mr. Goll, and so we needed a pic of the man, and we didn't have one in our own archives.

Got a lot of praise from Hanne today for the photo work, which wasn't easy, because the light in the office that I was supposed to photograph the pic in, reflected in the pic frame glass from all angles. %¤%¤%!!!
But I sorted out a solution, shutting doors, switching lights off, and maneuvering all over the place (floor, shelves, table, chairs, whatever, to the great amusement of the three secretaries at the office! ) until I got my shot - yay!
And since Hanne is a pro photographer and photo editor, that praise means a lot!

Finally, I managed to find the christmas pressies that my parents and I wanted to get for my buddy Jørn, who celebrates christmas with us.
He's the only guy left of his family, and so we sorta "adopted" him in our little family, because we all like him. He's a great guy, and my "honorary brother".

So: All in all it's been a great couple of days for me.

Holy cow, those are amazing drawings!

Well today is the final day of me being a thirteen year old and tomorrow I am officially fourteen so I am enjoying the late hours by listening to Jagger and Richard's "The Last Time".
Thanks Pong and Lucky! *courtsies*

Had a laughing fit when I discovered something just before.
Earlier today I went shopping for the museum, and I tought that I could just as well buy the no-perfume facial creme that I've been wanting for a while now.
Asked a nice lady at the shop about a good, no-perfume creme, and she found one for me.
I bought it and pocketed the thing, and went back to the museum.
During my lunch break I thought I'd take a look at the jar, and what do I discover?
It's a facial creme alright...for MEN!

Oh well, then I guess I can use it when I shave every morning.
Damn, that's hysterical! I guess that old police fur hat and huge parka coat doesn't make it any easier for people to see who I am, gender-wise, and the fact that whenever I have a slight cold - like now - my voice drops to a Lucille Ball-style voice, which doesn't help any either.
Damn, that was the laugh of the day!

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