What Cheered You Up Today?

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Our intrepid Mr. Fox walks confidently into the hobby shop, secure in the knowledge that he can resist temptation when it suddenly calls to him from the end of the aisle......

"Build me.............."

Halting, defenses breaking down, he thinks, "What the fudge, its only one more......"
After very careful consideration, I'd say that is an extremely accurate scenario!
However, I have a cunning plan!
I'll purchase the paint at the art shop (no kits there), and the thinner in a 2 litre bottle at B&Q, no kits there either!
Hmm. But I already have a kit inbound, sort of 'added' to an order for decals from Hannant's ..... oh well, can't get things right every time!
I would consider it a failure to be frank. Outplayed them everywhere except Perth (only to be expected really given our record on those types of pitches). Just a question of draw or win in Sydney as far as I see it, would love a win and think there is a good chance of it. They are batting well (except for Collingwood) and all the bowlers are bowling well, the same can't really be said for the Aussies...
Celebrating New Year's Eve with buddy Jørn, who has got an apartment on the 7th floor - and so we get the local fireworks at eye level, when we stand on his glass-covered balcony.
Heating and hotwater back on....!! Seem to be the fan in the boiler that's on the last leg, a wee kvick fix by the engineer sent, as there are no emergency calls until Wednesday...fingers crossed, touch wood that it'll hold!
Sounds odd, but we witnessed an accident today. There was a green plastic storage tote sitting in the middle of the highway: car one sees it and swerves around it. Car two sees it, and swerves, but due to reaction time is a little closer before he moves. Truck 3 sees it, swerves sharply, misses it....car four, behind truck 3, cannot see the previous vehicles swerving and knows nothing until the truck darts out of the way. The young lady driving swerves, manages to miss the tote, but loses control of her car and does a slow 180 across two lanes of traffic, onto the shoulder (still marshy and damp from the rain/mist of the past two days), and clobbers one leg of a road-side sign. We pull over, along with two or three other vehicles, and run over. She's fine, just a little scared. I ran up, got traffic to stop long enough to get the tote out of the road, then two or three of us worked at getting her car out of the mud (several others, teenagers, stood around not wanting to get dirty. Slackers.). Cop finally got there (no injuries, no road blockage, so no rush, I guess), stopped traffic, and we got her out on the road and turned around facing the right way. All in all, probably the all-time best possible outcome of a potentially lethal situation. And heck, it always feels good to help someone out, ya know?
Getting one helluva bargain on a perfectly working, fully restored red/gold 1950's Parker Duofold fountain pen today, at one of the antique dealers in Copenhagen.
And of course I messed around with it, so now all I have to do is figure out how to completely remove ink stains from my fingers.
Oh, I'm also hunting for a nice ink blotter.
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I cheered myself up today by deciding that after 12 years doing the same boring and deeply unfulfilling job (I'm a supervisor in a warehouse dealing in storage and supplies) I am taking the plunge and have applied for a position in the ADF (Australian Defence Force) primarily in the RAAF in a supplies/logistics role.
Only downside is I have to wait until the end of February as that's when the recruitment process begins.
I'm very excited about it all as u can imagine as I have always dreamt of actually having a job I could really enjoy and the Air Force certainly seems to tick every box.
I'm not a youngster anymore (43 in April) but I am pretty fit and strong and enthusiastic so I am hopeful of success.
As they say in the classics,it's never too late to live ur dreams.8)
Good luck to you Tony. I did 14 years in the RAF in Stores and Supply then moved onto the Middle East for a number of years teaching the same trade. I had fun, enjoyed the constant changes and was delighted when computers cam along.

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