What Cheered You Up Today?

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table of four ladies from Newcastle in the restaurant last night, ordered eggs benadict for a starter but didnt fancy the hollendaise sauce so had Ketchup instead !!!!!!!

classy birds geordies, thinking of changing the English muffin to "stottie" and renaming it eggs geordie and keeping it on the menu !!!
My colleague Anne-Lise.
She gave me a huge box of chocolate today, because from sunday, may 1st, I'm officially hired and working at the museum.
It was so kind of her to think of me like that, so I gave her a huge hug and a very happy thank you so very very much.
She's a total sweetie.

Oh, and getting to photograph a 1930's-1940's Mont Blanc "Meisterstück" fountain pen today.
Definitely drool stuff!

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