What Cheered You Up Today?

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Aw thanks, that sounds great, but I'm doing this the official way here.
It sure sounds like you let off some steam there, that's always great!

Today's great thing?
Sent my complaint to the National Patient Complaints Board, informing them too, that I have reported the f**ker to the police as well.
AND - sunshine, warm weather, light wind, blue skies, dry roads, a full tank of gas and good company - catch y'all later, guys!
Went to one of the local garden shop thingies and finally found the Leontopodium Alpinums I've been looking for. Bought four of 'em, and am about to put them in some nice flower pots on the balcony.
And mom, dad and I went to Bregnerød outside of Copenhagen, to see my great-grandparents' old farm.
I was driving, and it was a really nice trip together with my folks, listening to them talk about the family and history, places and stuff.
Bregnerød is a beautiful little village - rural-like, with only a few houses.
Went to the police station to submit the report on the /%/%/%!
Felt such a relief afterwards, it was great.

Aaaaaand....bought myself a new bag on my way home, a new bracelet and a new t-shirt.
I'm feeling good and am looking forward to not having my airshow season interrupted by medical difficulties see you there Crimea River
- Hängematte, Kaffee, Zigarren und Der Spiegel.

Oh, and colleague Hanne was so kind as to print an A3-sized photo for me, that Gary allowed me to use for decoration here. Thanks Gary!

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Had a great airshow yesterday at Oostwold. For people in The Netherlands and Germany: it's a must see. A well organised airshow with rare birds, unfortunately if you missed it, you'll have to wait another 2 years
Finding Diablo II and D2: LoD and got it cheap in the used stuff-shop today.
Oh, and long live adhesive plaster.
(Forgot knife rule number one: ALWAYS cut AWAY from yourself, stupid! Got a punctured left front paw now... )

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