What Cheered You Up Today?

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same here Dogsbody, it was great to see Vic and Hil
I'll be waiting for that Gnomey!

Day two of my 6 day vacation. Oh yeah that is what I'm talking about. Reading during the day, a little cooking at night and good sleeps.
One of my coworkers brought in tex-mex lunch for the office today. It is the last day everyone will be in the office. Office closes next Monday. Just hanging out ot the office and reading the breaking news thread.

One of my coworkers brought in tex-mex lunch for the office today. It is the last day everyone will be in the office. Office closes next Monday. Just hanging out ot the office and reading the breaking news thread.


Reading the Breaking News thread? Huh, there were words in that thread
Staying at home today, too.
Found out that it was a very good idea when I went shopping today for the most necessary things: Bread, butter, milk.
Almost coughed my lungs up several times, and felt lightheaded and slightly dizzy, along with sweating like I don't know what, just from walking at ordinary walking pace.
Think I'll check with the phys tomorrow, just to make sure I haven't caught my annual bout of pneumonia.
- went to the phys and got punctured (blood sample for infection test), listened on (lungs), felt on (glands) and looked into (ears and throat) - zero pneumonia, only a lot of snot. Phew!
Delicious, ain't it???

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